Harmony Sound Therapy Logo - in a singing bowl - Tune your body, mind and soul into balance!

“The body is held together by sound. The presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of balance.” Deepak Chopra

Sound therapy is an ancient healing modality that goes back thousands and thousands of years. Chanting, drums, singing bowls, and other musical instruments were used by the many ancient civilisations including the Egyptians, Greeks and indigenous people around the world as a way to connect and as a therapy.

In Eastern cultures, the chakra system—an energy system said to control the body’s essential processes—has long been connected to music. The fundamental principle of sound healing (also based on quantum physics) is that everything in the universe is composed of energy and vibration. The body’s cells, organs, and systems each have a distinct vibrational frequency. These frequencies are in balance when we are in good health. However, these frequencies can be disturbed by sickness, stress, and bad emotions, which can result in imbalance and eventually, disease.

By infusing healing sounds and vibrations into the body, sound healing helps bring harmony back. These sound vibrations interact with the body’s own energy field to encourage calmness, relieve stress, and aid the body’s own healing mechanisms. 

Sound also has the ability to assist the brain to release different neurochemicals and hormones such as endorphins, the body’s natural opiates (which make you feel good). The immediate effects are increased oxygen to the cells, reduction of stress hormones,  and lowered blood pressure.

With the help of sound vibrations and frequency healing tools such as Himalayan singing bowls, tuning pipes, tuning forks and gongs, your therapist will bring your energetic system back into balance, from your auric field to your energetic chakras.


  • All treatments include:
  • An in-depth one-hour personalised diagnosis before you arrive. This is through use of a pendulum, charts, and intuition guided by the universe.
  • A one-hour treatment with Himalayan singing bowls, tuning pipes and tuning forks specific to what your body needs according to diagnosis.
  • A 30-minute counselling presentation afterwards and advice on working on specific areas to keep you in balance.
  • Herbal tea or water.
  • Sound healing by distance is also available.

Treatment 1 – Energetic Reset

This is the first treatment to realign and reset your whole energic system, pulling you back into balance. Bringing you back into alignment, this treatment includes a sonic chakra and aura balance and uses body tuners to mend tears and holes in your aura to strengthen your energetic field against any negative energy in your daily life. 


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Treatment 2 – Trauma Release

This second treatment clears any past trauma from your earthly life so far held within your energy field. Negative generational patters (paternal or maternal) are also cleared and any misalignment (chakra and aura) are re-checked in your energetic field (Energetic Reset 2). Also included is  the clearing of frequency interference in your field from EMRs and negative energy from external forces and the removal of any negative chords attached to people of situations you wish to be released from. The treatment concludes with a soul reunification.



Treatment 3 – Past Lives & Energetic Reset

The third session delves deeper into underlying issues or problems you may have experienced in this life  from residual negative energy from your past lives (on and off planet). These past lives are analysed and the negative residual energy from traumatic endings are cleared from deep within your energetic field, using specific sound vibrations according to the diagnosis. This helps release you from fears and anxieties you may have experienced yet know not why. Sound frequencies and vibrations diagnosed to you alone will clear negative past lives and reset your energy field with a beautiful sound balance session.



Three Treatment Special

Book the above three sessions for a special price of $350, saving $100.


Body Balance & Personal Sound Bath

After you have experienced the above treatments, treat yourself to a top up treatment to recheck and realign all chakras and your auric field. This will keep you in balance whenever you need to experience a whole-body balance and personal sound bath. Includes crystal singing bowls as well as Himalayan singing bowls, tuning pipes and tuning forks. 

$120 for 45 minutes. $150 for one hour.


Group Sound Bath Meditation.

Experience the soothing sounds of crystal singing bowls, Himalayan singing bowls, pipes, gongs and other ancient instruments as you relax into a meditative state to rebalance your body, mind and spirit. Bring a yoga mat, pillow, eye visor, and blanket. Perfect for private parties and corporate wellness. $30 each – minimum 8 people ($240).


Sound therapy massage bed

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla


About Sound Therapy & What to Expect

How it works: Once you are booked in, your therapist will spend at least an hour evaluating your unique energy system via a distance method of diagnosis. She will be guided as to exactly where the energy blockages are, misaligned or reversed chakras, auric tears, aura misalignment. She can clear negative past lives, past trauma, negative generational patterns and more.

Follow up treatments are recommended to keep you in balance away from negative thoughts, words, EMRs, daily or traumatic stress and other energetic pollution in our world.

Your Treatment: You will arrive, have a glass of water if required, fill in a client form, and then lie on the massage table with a cover placed over you and an eye pillow if you wish. Then just relax as you are enveloped in the heavenly relaxing and beautiful sounds of singing bowls, tuning forks and pipes selected according to your body’s specific needs.

The treatment will last approximately one hour.

After beautiful experience, enjoy a glass of water or herbal tea while your therapist counsels you in what was presented to her from your diagnosis, and how to keep yourself in balance with grounding methods, mindful exercises, crystals, and essential oils.

Enjoy the healing power of sound to bring you back into balance and tune your body, mind and soul, like the instrument you are!

“Everything in life is vibration.”

“When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected. The greatest tragedy of human existence is the illusion of separateness.”

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics
(quantum physics).”

– Albert Einstein

“My first sound therapy with Fiona yesterday was an amazing experience.
During the session, I felt sensation of resonating sounds through my body and movement of touch on my body.
I felt something got shifted inside me being filled with calm and balanced energy .
Also had a good sleep last night!
My knee pain has almost disappeared and messaged her same day evening about it.
Fiona is gentle and caring in her conduct and leaves you with clear understanding how to sustain and keep improving your energy balance and also how to heal from past life regressions.
Highly recommend her to help you embrace your energy body.
I would definitely take more sessions with her in near future.”
Suntosh Shety


“My first ever individual sound therapy with Fiona was an amazing experience!
During the session I felt a hypnotic sensation of resonating sounds through my body which took me into different space and opened doors to new beginnings.
I felt something got shifted inside me, being filled with calm and balanced energy.
Also slept 8 hours non-stop that night!
Fiona is gentle and caring in her conduct and leaves you with clear synopsis how to sustain and keep your body in balance, improving your energetic field.
Highly recommended!” 
Gosia Slawomirski

“If we accept that sound is vibration and we know it touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is not just heard through our ears but through every cell in our bodies.

“One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches us and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes.

“Sound can redress imbalances one every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”

– Dr Mitchel Haynor, Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, Cornell Cancer Prevention Centre, New York

About your Therapist

Fiona Cooper Smyth has an Advanced Diploma in Kyela Sound Therapy from the Australian College of Sound Therapy in Western Australia.  She is also an opera singer and over the years, has used her voice to transport audiences into the spiritually heightened realm of musical enlightenment, spirituality and entertainment.
During Covid times, Fiona producing an album called Songs for the Soul, full of beautiful arias and songs to uplift the spirit and comfort the soul in times of need.
Fiona regularly practices sound therapy on a range of appreciative clients at her home in Nedlands and has completed the following healing courses and modalities:

Kyela Australian College of Sound Therapy:

  • Advanced Diploma of Kyela Sound Therapy
  • Diploma of Kyela Sound Therapy
  • Certificate in Sonic Chakra Therapy
  • Certificate in Group Sound Meditation

Mikao Usui’s System of Reiki Healing Practice:

  • Reiki I Certificate
  • Reiki II Certificate

Zen College of Shiatsu (London):

  • Certificate of Zen Shiatsu

Jeffrey Allen – Duality – Mind Valley

  • Duality Training Certificate
Fiona Cooper Smyth - Sound Therapist with certificate


Fiona Cooper Smyth: 0438 933635
Email: [email protected]


PO Box 178, Nedlands, WA 6909